Paths to Publication

Monday, 8/19/2024 - Monday, 8/19/2024
06:00pm - 07:30pm

With nearly 40 combined years of experience in the publishing industry, award-winning authors Kim Conrey and George Weinstein will discuss the ins-and-outs of the three paths to publication: traditional publishing, self-publishing, and hybrid publishing. They will offer a realistic preview of the challenges that each path poses as well as the rewards that can be earned by overcoming those obstacles, with plenty of time for Q&A. Registration encouraged but not required.

George Weinstein is the Executive Director of the historic Atlanta Writers Club and has helped thousands of writers on their quest for publication through the Club and the twice-yearly Atlanta Writers Conference, which he has managed for 16 years. He also is the author of a diverse range of novels, including the beloved Southern historical novel Hardscrabble Road. His website is

The 2023 Georgia Author of the Year Award for Romance, Kim Conrey is the author of several books, including the sci-fi romance series Ares Ascending. Kim also serves as VP of Operations for the Atlanta Writers Club. In addition, she collaborates on a podcast with the Wild Women Who Write, where they interview authors and industry professionals with a primary goal of supporting female writers. Her website is

Adults (ages 18+)
Seniors (ages 60+)
Contact Info

Anna Frantz

