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Books Like Us Winter Reading Challenge

winter scene with text 'Winter Reading Challenge'
January 6, 2021

From January 1 to January 31, Cobb County Public Library will participate in Beanstack’s Fourth Annual Winter Reading Challenge, “Book Like Us,” sponsored by Simon and Schuster (S&S). We challenge you to read diversely during the month and keep track of your reading on our Beanstack site at or on the Beanstack app (for Apple or Android). Thousands of libraries and schools across the nation will encourage their communities to read a target number of minutes and books.

Prizes will include book collections and virtual author visits. Ten (10) winning schools or libraries will each get a collection of fifty (50) books from the “Books Like Us” collection. Happy reading, Cobb!

This program is for Cobb County Public Library users of all ages. Happy reading!