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Vendor Enrollment

Vendor Enrollment

Did You Know?

  • Vendors can log on and register themselves to become a Vendor. (PREFERRED WAY TO ENROLL)
  • Vendors can also modify their Vendor Information and make updates through Vendor Self Service.
  • Does the Vendor Accept Credit Cards, would they like to enroll in our Electronic Payment System EPAY? CONTACT US

New Electronic Payment Type Request From Vendors

What is Epay?

  • EPAY is short for EPayables
  • EPAY is an electronic payment "type" that is contracted through our current merchant services bank which allows instant access to the payment made, same day!

 Differences between EPAY and EFT

  • EPAY is instant, the day the checks are run on Thursday the payment is ready for the Vendor to take.
  • EFT it may take the Vendors bank till the following Monday to post that payment to their bank.
  • EPAY has a small cost which is the cost that the Vendor pays to their Credit card merchant fees.  It is subject to the fee their own bank charges them to "run a credit card".
  • The Vendor must accept credit cards to take this kind of payment type.