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Special called work session with garbage haulers

Man speaking at table making a point using hand gesture
September 2, 2022

Cobb Commission Chairwoman Lisa Cupid hosted a special-called work session Wednesday, along with the Board of Commissioners, County Manager, and representatives of the Sustainability, Waste and Beautification agency and local garbage and recycling haulers to discuss issues and the proposed solid waste code amendments.

From the onset of the meeting, Cupid made it clear that the county does not want to manage waste hauling. Instead, the group got down to business discussing opportunities to work together to improve how the county addresses sanitation and recycling complaints. The haulers stated that they would welcome partnering with the county in this effort and they provided several specific suggestions on how that could be accomplished. Suggestions included strengthening the county code, providing a map of service providers by location, strengthening the relationship between large and small hauling businesses, and better communication with the hauling services when the county receives complaints.  The businesses also shared their concerns regarding the increasing cost of labor, fuel, using Cobb’s transfer station and fees, and how that impacts their ability to provide service. The county made clear there isn’t a proposed 18% fee increase for sanitation services in the code amendments.

"We want every resident to have access to trash service, a robust recycling program and reduce litter in the county,” said Chairwoman Cupid. “This is a constructive meeting, and we are going to work to improve communications and work towards a solution.”

The Board of Commissioners remains dedicated to finding solutions that will meet the needs of the county, residents and haulers. All parties have agreed to meet again to continue the conversation.