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Tax Assessors to hold library office hours for Assessment Notice questions

notice of assessment printout
May 12, 2024

Cobb's Tax Assessors office will send teams to Cobb libraries to help residents learn more about the Notice of Assessments sent out recently and facilitate appeals if appropriate. Most residents should have received their notices.

SEE THE ASSESSORS, get your questions answered, and/or file an appeal.

2024 Library Tour:

Kemp Memorial Library
· 6/4 Tuesday 6-8 PM
· 6/11 Tuesday 6-8 PM

East Cobb Library
· May 14, Tuesday 6-8 PM
· 6/4 Tuesday 6-8 PM

Mountain View Regional Library
· 6/3 Monday 6-8 PM
· 6/10 Monday 6-8 PM

South Cobb Regional Library
· May 15, Wednesday, 6-8 PM
· 6/12 Wednesday 6-8 PM