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Get the Facts: Dispelling Misconceptions About Cobb’s MSPLOST

MSPLOST will only fund bus services.

Fact: MSPLOST will fund a variety of transportation projects, including high-capacity transit additions, microtransit innovations, and transit-supportive infrastructure. These projects are designed to enhance connectivity and provide more transportation options across Cobb County.

Click here to learn more about transit modes. 

The benefits of the MSPLOST won't be seen for decades.

Fact: MSPLOST benefits will be realized as soon as the first new services roll out. Within the first five years, each city will have access to microtransit. Additionally, each development phase will quickly enhance our existing transportation options and set the foundation for future improvements​​.

MSPLOST is just another tax increase.

Fact: MSPLOST is a dedicated one-penny sales tax for funding essential mobility enhancements. This responsible funding model ensures revenue is used solely for transportation improvements. If approved, Cobb County's transit funding will shift from annual property taxes to a one-percent sales tax, distributing the responsibility across all consumers, not just property owners.

MSPLOST only benefits certain parts of Cobb County.

Fact: MSPLOST is designed to benefit all areas of Cobb County by improving connectivity and access to jobs, educational institutions, parks, retail centers, and other destinations. It addresses the unique needs of the entire county with access to microtransit services to ensure that all residents can enjoy the benefits of enhanced mobility​​.

The current transportation system and roads are sufficient and don't require improvement.

Fact: As Cobb County continues to grow, the current transportation system will not be able to meet the increased demand. MSPLOST will address current limitations by improving existing infrastructure and introducing new transit options to support the county's growth and economic development. This ensures long-term sustainability and expands transit options to meet future needs.

MSPLOST will not have a significant impact on local businesses.

Fact: Investing in transportation infrastructure will support local businesses by improving access, attracting new businesses, and boosting local commerce. This investment can also make it easier for employees to commute to their jobs. Enhanced transportation networks can lead to higher property values and increased tax revenues, which can be reinvested into the community​​.

Investing in transit is unnecessary due to low ridership.

Fact: Although ridership has declined since the pandemic, providing safe and reliable transit to essential destinations like jobs, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions is crucial for attracting new riders and enhancing the transit experience in Cobb County. The proposed MSPLOST-funded service enhancements aim to create a faster, more accessible, and dependable transit system, connecting people to more places.