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Precinct 1 PENS Fall 2020

Whitetail buck
October 28, 2020

Welcome to the Fall 2020 edition of THE PENS DISPATCH. This bulletin is brought to you from the Precinct I Criminal Investigations Unit and is designed to keep you aware of crime trends in your area and tips on measures you can take to keep you and your family safe.

Topic of the Month

Deer/Vehicle Collisions

Despite the current tropical moisture, fall is upon us. The months of November and December are the traditional breeding seasons for our resident whitetail deer. Consequently, this is the time where we have the highest occurrences of deer-vs-car collisions.

Here are a few tips to avoid a deer/ vehicle collision:

  • If you encounter deer standing on the side of the road, slow down and be prepared to stop. Deer can be very unpredictable and can jump out if front of you in seconds.
  • If a deer crosses in front of your car, be aware that others are likely following close behind.
  • Use caution when approaching areas where deer have been encountered in the past. Deer will use the same areas to cross year after year.
  • If a collision with a deer occurs, pull into a safe area out of the road if possible, and call 911. Do not attempt to give aid to the deer. A deer, even if severely injured, is a wild animal. It can cause injuries to someone getting too close when it is trying to escape.

Hopefully these tips will help everyone avoid a deer/car encounter, and enjoy the autumn season.

Current Crime Trends

Thefts from Vehicles a.k.a. Entering Autos

The Precinct 1 area has experienced an increase in Entering Autos during the past month. Organized groups or gangs from other jurisdictions have been active in the North Cobb County area. Their preferred method of operation is to canvass a neighborhood during the overnight hours, checking the door handles of the cars parked in the driveways. When they find one unlocked, they enter and take any valuables found. Next, they head back to neighborhoods in other jurisdictions where the stolen items are sold on the street.

A reminder everyone to lock their cars both when parked at your home and when you are out in public. Remove all your valuables from the car. Taking these two steps can go a long way in preventing these crimes.

Being vigilant not only applies at home but at work and leisure, too. We have had numerous thefts from office parks and shopping centers where the victims left their purses, wallets, cell phones, electronics, and other valuables inside their cars unattended. Take all personal belongings with you when go into your place of employment or other establishments. If you see persons loitering or wandering around the parking lot please call 911.


This concludes the Fall PENS Bulletin. Please continue to stay involved, stay alert, and help look out for your neighbors!