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  • Where do I find a business license application?

    To obtain a Cobb County  business license / Occupation Tax Certificate:

    1. Determine if your business is in unincorporated Cobb County
    2. Complete the Application Packet for your business type
    3. All documents must be signed by the same person.
    4. Obtain the fee amount

    To obtain the fee amount for a new business establishment, please e-mail your completed application to

    Click here for more information. 

  • What is an Occupation Tax Certificate / Business License?

    An occupation tax certificate, commonly known as a business license, is a certificate issued by government agencies authorizing individuals or companies to conduct business within the government's geographical jurisdiction. It is the authorization to start a business issued by the local government.

  • Who needs to sign Occupation Tax / Business License documents?

    An owner or employee of the company must sign the application or renewal form, the Citizenship Affidavit, the Private Employer Affidavit, and provide one secure and verifiable document (a driver license or passport). An outside/contractor bookkeeper or accountant cannot sign the renewal application or affidavit. The owner or employee who signs the application or renewal must be the same person who signs the affidavits and provides one secure and verifiable document (a driver license or passport). If you have questions, please call the Cobb County Business License Division at (770) 528-8410.

  • Where do I apply for an Occupation Tax Certificate / Business License?

    All Occupation Tax Certificates/Business Licenses are location specific. First you must determine where you will conduct your business, i.e. a commercial location or a home-based business. If the business location is within the city limits of one of the six cities within Cobb County, you must apply for your Occupation Tax Certificate/Business License with that municipality. If you need assistance to verify the address, please contact the Business License Division at (770) 528-8410.

    Note: A business location may not be a P.O. Box or a place such as UPS store

  • How much does an Occupation Tax Certificate / Business License cost?

    Generally, the cost of an Occupation Tax Certificate, commonly referred to as a Business License, fee is determined by the:

    • Type of activity in which the business is engaged
    • Projected total gross receipts to be generated by the business for the calendar year
      Start date of business