FAQ Topics
You can register your team online at cobbparks.org or you can contact the league coordinator to register.
No. All teams must register again each season in every sport. We send out registration information to returning teams.
No, registration opens to all teams at the same time.
- Softball: January-February for Spring/Summer, June-July for Fall
- Kickball: January-February for Spring, May for Summer, July for Fall
- Football: December for Winter, March for Spring, and May for Summer
- Basketball: April-May for Summer, September-October for Winter
- Ultimate Frisbee: January-February for Spring, May for Summer, and August for Fall
- Cornhole: February for Spring, and July for Fall
- Spikeball: January-February for Spring, May for Summer, and August for Fall
- Softball: $400 Spring/10 games, and $320 Fall/8 games
- Kickball: $240 Spring/Summer, and Fall – 8 games
- Football: $440 Winter, Spring, and Summer – 8 games
- Basketball: $400 Winter and Summer – 8 games
- Ultimate Frisbee: $120 Spring, Summer, and Fall – 8 games
- Cornhole: $70 Spring, and Fall - 7 weeks
- Spikeball: $60 Spring,, Summer, and Fall - 6 weeks
Fees cover costs of officials, equipment, scorekeepers, user fees, and champion and runner up awards.
The full registration fee is due at the time of registration. You can pay by cash, check, money order or credit card.
We do offer individual registration for some leagues. For more information visit the league web page or contact the league coordinator.
- Softball: 2 seasons (Spring and Fall)
- Kickball: 3 seasons (Spring, Summer and Fall)
- Flag Football: 3 seasons (Spring, Summer, and Winter)
- Basketball: 2 seasons (Summer and Winter)
- Cornhole: 2 season (Spring and Fall)
- Spikeball: 3 seasons (Spring, Summer and Fall)
Games are usually scheduled one night per week, Mondays through Thursday in the evenings. We do not play games on weekends unless it becomes necessary to use weekends to make up games that have been rained out or unless it is a Sunday afternoon league. Some leagues are double header leagues where teams plays two games a night.
Games are scheduled whenever Cobb County Government employees are required to work. Games are not scheduled on Good Friday, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We do schedule games on Halloween, however, since this is not an official national holiday. We also schedule games during the spring and/or fall breaks of all local school districts.
PARKS reserves the right to drop a team from the league if the team forfeits 2 or more league games during the season. No refunds are given.
Cobb PARKS uses rainedout.com for weather updates and general information regarding our adult softball leagues. If you want to receive an automated text or email about field closures please visit https://rainoutline.com/search/dnis/7622028142 and click the email or text alerts link. You would then click the email or text heading and check which locations you would like to subscribe to for rainout alerts. You can also download the mobile app to receive notifications. No cancellations will be made before 4pm.
If possible, we will include that information on the rained out message for your park. We will post make-up information on our league website at www.quickscores.com/cobbcounty. In order to minimize verbal errors, we prefer not to give out schedule information or make-up information over the phone.
Visit the North GA Amateur Umpires Association at ngaua.com .
- Flag Football: Men's Open and Coed
- Kickball: Coed
- Basketball: Men's
- Softball: Competitive (3 Home runs), Rookie (1 Home run), and Social Recreational (1 Home run)
- Ultimate Frisbee: Coed
- Cornhole: Beginner Open, Intermediate Coed, Intermediate Men's, or Advanced Open
- Spikeball: Men's and Coed
For some leagues we offer an individual registration for players. Registering as an individual does not guarantee a place on a team. If there are enough registrants you will be placed on a team. If there are not enough registrants your registration will be refunded. If you have questions about the free agent registration visit the league page or contact the league coordinator.
For each sport we also maintain a “free agents” list of individuals wishing to get on a team. You can call the Adult Athletic office at (770) 528-8860 to leave your name, phone number, sport and position you are interested in, and level of play. Occasionally, this free agent list of individuals wishing to play is requested by managers who find that they have insufficient numbers to make up a team. We do not put individuals in direct contact with managers. Submitting your name does not guarantee that a team will contact you.
For some leagues we offer an individual registration for players. Registering as an individual does not guarantee a place on a team. If there are enough registrants you will be placed on a team. If there are not enough registrants your registration will be refunded. If you have questions about the free agent registration visit the league page or contact the league coordinator.
- Softball, Kickball, Football, Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee and Cornhole: Age 16
Softball & Kickball allows up to 25 players on a team.
Football, Basketball and Ultimate Frisbee allows up to 20 players on a team.
Cornhole allows up to 5 players on a team.
Spikeball allows up to 4 players on a team.
For the Rookie & Competitive Coed softball league teams must start with 4 males and 4 females. The pitcher and catcher must be of opposite sex, and there must be 2 men and 2 women on the infield and 2 men and 2 women in the outfield.
For the Coed Social Recreational Softball league there must be at least 3 females to start a game.
For kickball there must be 3 females and 8 total players to start a game.
For coed football, there must be a total of 6 players (3 men and 3 women)
No. That manager might tell you that he/she is not planning to play. That team could then show up and win by forfeit. Managers should call in a forfeit to their League Coordinator. Depending on timing, we will then do everything we can to let the other team know that there has been an official forfeit.
First place and second place teams will receive their awards after the championship game or their last game of the season.