How can you help protect our community?
Cobb residents are invited to donate any amount, large or small, to help us continue providing the highest quality life-saving educational programs throughout our community. Please choose from either Paypal or Square to make an online donation or mail your check to Cobb County Safety Village, 1220 Al Bishop Drive, Marietta, 30008.
Become a Sponsor
Cobb’s business and civic community is invited to take part in this unique learning environment as well. Your organization can purchase or build a reduced-scale replica of your office or storefront, or sponsor a community feature (a street sign for example). These structures are integral parts of our learning experience . The Village features four distinct areas: Marietta Square, the Commercial District, the Residential District, and the Industrial District.
For more information about sponsorship opportunities and making a lasting impact on safety education in Cobb County, contact Allison Carter at 770-852-3272.