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Residential Water Conservation

Reducing the amount of water you use at home is not only good for the environment, but can also save you money on your water bill. From changing your water use habits to utilizing water saving technology and fixtures, there are many ways for you to conserve water both inside and outside your home. The following water saving resources can help Cobb Water customers conserve our water resources.  

a upright mobile phone being set next to the flume monitoring device
Flume Rebate

The Flume Smart Home Water Monitor helps homeowners monitor and reduce their water use and be notified of leaks immediately. Receive a $100 credit on your water bill with the purchase and installation of a Flume Smart Home Water Monitor. 

water saving kits containing a showing-head, rain gage, shower timer, faucet aerator, and a garden hose nozzle
Water Saving Kits

If your home was built before 1993, you may still have older, high water-using fixtures. CCWS offers customers free fixtures to help you lower your bill and save water. Indoor kit includes: WaterSense labeled showerhead, water-efficient kitchen and bathroom sink aerators, leak detector tablets, and 5-minute shower timers. Outdoor kit includes: rain gauge and hand-held hose nozzle. Water Saving Kits will need to be picked up in person. Submit form to schedule pick-up.

a man laying on the floor trying to fix a toilet
Toilet Rebate

One of the biggest water users in the home is the toilet, up to 30% of the water used indoors may be flushed down the drain every day. CCWS residential customers can receive a $100 water bill credit for the purchase and installation of 1.1 gallons per flush (gpf) or less WaterSense labeled ultra-high efficiency toilets. The rebate is limited to no more than 3 toilets per property.

a woman looking into a toilet tank in a bathroom setting
Indoor Audit

Your plumbing system consists of all the pipes and fixtures on your property after the water meter connection. Maintaining your plumbing system is the first step to preventing water waste and regular inspection can save you water and money. Learn how to hunt down leaks throughout your home. 

sprinkler sprinkling water at a front yard of a house
Outdoor Irrigation Audit

A well-maintained irrigation system can help reduce your water consumption, save money, and help maintain a healthy and attractive landscape. Before running your system for the first time each spring, inspect the irrigation system for broken sprinkler heads, leaning sprinklers, overspray onto pavement, rotors not rotating, spray heads misting, and uneven coverage. 

lathering hands washing in a sink
Conservation Tips

We use about 100 gallons of water per day, little changes can make a big difference. These water saving tips remind you to think about the water you use and how you can change your water wasting habits. 

dirty water gushing up from the ground
Water Leaks

Leaks from pipes, plumbing fixtures and fittings are a significant source of water waste for many households. Some leaks are obvious, such as dripping faucets and leaking water heaters. Unfortunately, many leaks go undetected for years because the source of the leak is not visible. Learn the most common areas for leaks and how to locate sneaky leaks.

two used toilets on the curve side next to a trash bin
Toilet Recycling

Have you recently replaced your older model toilet with a more efficient model?  Cobb County Water System encourages all toilets to be recycled and properly disposed of. Learn how you can properly dispose your old toilet through either recycling or donation.  

a dark brown rain barrel seated next to a down sprout
Rain Barrel

Rain barrels capture water from a roof and hold it for later use such as on lawns, gardens or indoor plants. Collecting roof runoff in rain barrels reduces the amount of water that flows from your property. It's a great way to conserve water and it's free water for use in your landscape. Register for one of our summer rain barrel Make & Take Workshops or make a rain barrel of your own with instructions in this Home Owner’s Guide to Rain Barrels.