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Community Lead Awareness - A Nation-wide Campaign

No Lead Service Lines Have Been Identified In CCWS’ Service Area

Lead, a toxic metal, was used in paint and plumbing materials in homes built before 1978. To learn more about lead, visit


graphic of a square bubble with FAQs inside
Frequently Asked Questions

Click to view FAQs.

Allatoona photo encircled within sun like shape and text saying "Water Quality Report,"
Consumer Confidence Report

Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs), also known as water quality reports or drinking water quality reports, provide you with important information about the quality of your drinking water. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires every community water supplier to provide a CCR to its customers.

spirally bonded booklet of the Code of Federal Regulations CFR
Code of Federal Regulations: 40 CRF

It is a federal regulation that all water utilities must send a consumer notice regarding lead tap water screening results to the people they serve.  Learn more about this regulation...

Water pouring into a glass with text read "Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)"
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)

Since the Safe Drinking Water Act was amended in 1996 to improve public health protection, the EPA has set protective drinking water criteria for over 90 contaminants. These requirements include drinking water restrictions. Learn more about this regulation...