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Library Meeting Rooms

Cobb County Public Library provides meeting room space for library sponsored or co-sponsored programs. Meeting room space also is provided as a community service to non-profit organizations, government or public education agencies for the purpose of meeting the informational, educational, recreational and cultural needs of the community.

Groups using meeting room space must agree to adhere to the library Meeting Room Policy, and offer activities that do not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, sexual orientation, age or disability.

Priority for use will be given to library-related and county government programs and those co-sponsored by the Library. Permission to use the meeting rooms does not constitute an endorsement of a group’s policies or viewpoints. Approval does not constitute a “co-sponsoring” relationship and should not be represented to the public as such. A nonrefundable fee of $25 per meeting is due at the time of approval.

Room reservation requests are made through CivicRec, an online platform that requires users to create a free account.

During the reservation process, groups must acknowledge they have read and understand the Meeting Room Policy prior to completing a reservation request.

A nonrefundable fee of $25 per meeting is due at the time of approval.

A list of libraries that have meeting room space is provided below. Click on the branch to learn more about that location.
